Happy Birthday Shadow – Wednesday 6th February 2019

Happy Birthday Shadow

Today is Shadow’s birthday. Happy birthday, Shadow. It’s the big One Zero today. Yes, unbelievably our little bundle of energy is ten years old. Happy birthday to her brothers Kai and Rocky too.

Actually, her hip is playing up so she’s not so much of a bundle of energy as usual. When it came to swimming in the morning, our Mistress put Shadow’s harness on her to go out and we turned round to find Shadow had gone straight back to bed. She wasn’t at all keen to get in the pool, but once she was in she did enjoy herself. She said it did her good. I think it did me good too, but I was in a bit of a funny mood when I came back.

All change

One of the problems I now have is that I simply can’t jump up onto the back seat most of the time. I’d be happy to use the ramp, but the car door doesn’t open wide enough to get the ramp up to it. As I can’t turn round in a single crate to get out, we’re now left with two options. I could go back to sitting in the front with our Mistress. I think the ramp would go to that door. Unfortunately, I’m not really the right shape for a single car seat and prefer to lie down. Instead our Mistress is going to take the central divider out of the crate. That way I can go in one door and out of the other without the need to turn.

That would be fine, but at times it is going to mean me sharing the crate with Shadow as she needs to use the ramp too. More to the point it’s going to mean Wilma and Ari getting used to sitting on the back seat if we all have to travel. Neither of them are used to that idea, but then we all have to make sacrifices.

Getting wet

It was actually our Mistress who made the sacrifice yesterday. By the time there was chance to walk Wilma it was pouring with rain. Wilma, being Wilma, really didn’t mind. Our Mistress on the other paw was a little less impressed and came home soaked to the skin. She says it’s times like that she really wishes she was in Switzerland instead!

Have a lovely day



  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my Mum. I hope you are feeling better today and have lots of treats. Lots of love from Dickens and all my family XXXXXXXXXX

    • On behalf of your mum, thank you. She’s not allowed on the computer. She bounces too hard. Her leg is still hurting so our Mistress is getting some painkillers for her.

  2. Happy Birthday, Shadow, hope your leg’s better soon! Love from Val and purrs from Niamh, who is already 10, going on 11, with two white whiskers – otherwise she’s totally melanistic (black)!

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