Happy Bloggerversary
Today I’m wishing myself a Happy Bloggerversary. Oh I know, I wished myself Happy GotMe Day yesterday, but it’s winter and we all need things which cheer us up. Yesterday was thirteen years since I moved in with our Mistress. Today I’m celebrating thirteen years since I started writing my diary. I didn’t write it in a morning back then. I wrote it at whatever time of day I could fit it in, between generally being a puppy, helping our Mistress and sleeping. It’s quite an achievement that with the exception of one day, I’ve written it every day since except one. That was the one where my Mistress was in hospital and I didn’t have the password for the computer.
The Royal ‘I’
When I say I’ve written it every day, that is a bit of an exaggeration. Of course you all know that I don’t write it every day. That would be ridiculous. Wilma and Aristotle write some days as well and I do need to give them credit. At my age you really wouldn’t want to be working for more than three days a week.

Over the last thirteen years I’ve written books, had photo shoots, even been on the radio. That’s more than most dogs can look back on as their life’s work. In my own small way, I’m really rather proud of all we’ve achieved together. I once made my Mistress wear a tee shirt which said ‘Alfie Dog – waiting to be famous’. I think now I can look back and in my own small way say I might just have achieved that.
The next thirteen years
There is a risk I’m going to cause an argument between Ari and Wilma by saying this. At the moment they both write two days of the diary while I write three. The time has come for me to pass over another day to Wilma. She’s the one with the energy around here and gets out much more than the others of us. I know she’s been doing more with her travels, but I’m going to make it official now. I’m going to drop down to working just two days a week and manage things quietly from the background.
I hope you like the photos from my photo shoot which was nine years ago now, but I thought you’d think they were fun.
Now I’m off to raise a bowl to toast the next thirteen years and hope that Wilma can take my diary to even greater levels of success.

Alfie (semi-retired)
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Happy Bloggerversary Alfie. Love the pics from your photo shoot. Enjoy your semi retirement. xxxxx
Thank you. Have a lovely day
Alfie x
Congratulations Alfie. Some achievement. I’m to busy eating toys to even try that.
Dexter x
Oh Dexter you really need to look after your toys. See them as your friends. You really wouldn’t want to be without them.
Be a good puppy
13 years, every day! That’s more than 4’740 blogs! Bloody hell, what an accomplishment!
Of course I’m very proud that you elected my daughter Wilma to “take over”. But are you really certain she’s able to carry on your good work? And also step in the footprints you’ve left with your political engagement in favour of us dogs?
Anyway, thanks for your confidence (faith? trust?) in Wilma.
All the best.
PS. By the way: My daughter’s seven kids are thriving and prospering “dass es eine Freude ist”. Sie lässt euch auch alle herzlich grüssen.
PPS. And there’s still more than enough snow here. Please come get as much as you want.
Dear Susi
You may be right about Wilma and politics. She’s more of a ‘good time girl’ than a deep thinker. Maybe Aristotle can still look after that side of things. She’s a great companion though and I do love having her around. She keeps me young.
We have frost here today but no snow. Wilma says she can’t wait to play in some again.
I’m very happy to hear the puppies are well. Please send them all our love