Valeria’s Puppies – Wednesday 9th January 2019

Valeria’s Puppies

Oh it’s so exciting. I have to tell you about my sister Valeria’s puppies. She gave birth to them on Monday which is when they were due. She started with Galileo at 1pm and then had Garibaldi, Ginger, Gioia, Gromit, Gladys, and Graziella between then and 11.55pm. Aren’t they the most wonderful names? The vet had to help with Graziella and she is having to have special care. We’re all thinking of her and of course her mum and brothers and sisters. I can’t wait to see them all in a few weeks. It would be lovely if I get to see Tosca’s puppies again then too, but they may go off to their new homes before I get chance. I do so like being an aunt. We don’t have any pictures yet, but I really hope we have some soon.


Well here we are, back in England. There was a big traffic jam caused by lorries trying to get to the port at Calais. Mum says she really hopes that isn’t a sign of things to come. Then it was much slower going through security and passport, but they told us it was no different to normal. Even I realised I had to sit looking at the same thing for longer than normal. My check in was longer than normal too. I’m not a patient dog. Not even vaguely patient. What do I do when I get bored? I bark! Anyway, Mum is used to me and that’s one reason she always carries a bag of treats. She’s really mean about it though as she makes me work for every one. On the bright side, I forget being bored but when you are made to lie down with a treat in front of your nose and not be allowed to eat it until the next dog goes through and you can move up the queue – well that’s just plain evil.


I am also disappointed to find that while Dad is still having to dig snow off the drive every day, I’ve come home to mud. Now don’t misunderstand. I love mud as much as  more than the next dog, but not as much as I love snow. Mum is also much more inclined to let me roll in snow without objection.



© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.


  1. Hey Wilma. Dexter here. Missing you but it’s great here. Have a big garden to run around in and a Border Terrier to scrap with. Haven’t met the cat, Dibble, yet. He’s hiding. Thanks to you and all your human family and friends for getting me safely to my new home. I’m going to love it here particularly getting my master out of bed and off his butt! Home to see you again.
    Dexter x

    • Dear Dexter
      I’d like to say it’s more peaceful this end but there are four of us, so you can probably imagine. Alfie is feeling a bit down today and having a good moan. I think Mum may be reaching for the ear plugs.
      See you soon
      Love Wilma

    • Dear Olie and family
      How lovely to hear from you. Aren’t they great names. It is making our Mistress broody and wanting another litter here.

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