Tummy Rub – Wednesday 19th December 2018

Tummy Rub

Tummy Rub Magic

When you get to my age, there is nothing like a nice tummy rub. I’ve found myself being all soppy and in need of cuddles the last few days. I’m back to struggling to jump up onto the bed but I’ve got my steps so our Mistress has put those back in place for me. Lots of people think old dogs don’t look as cute as puppies and so don’t give the same levels of fuss and attention – we need just as much. Ok, there are days where bits of us hurt and if you accidentally stroke one of those we will ask you to stop, but that does not mean we don’t want some love. Even though I have lots of lumps in my neck, there is nothing I like more than having it ever so gently stroked. I’m a bit of a soppy old dog really. Thankfully, our Mistress is a bit of a soppy old thing too, so we make a good pair.

Aren’t we sharing?

Where’s mine?

On the other paw, this is my ‘aren’t we sharing?’ face. Out Mistress sat on the floor with me while she was having her breakfast. I took that as a sign we’d both be eating. Regrettably she had a different view and proceeded to polish off the whole bowl on her own. She pointed out that I’d already had mine. A point I wasn’t disputing. I was more concerned that I hadn’t already had hers!

Our Master is home

Our Master is now home and for a short while we can be one big happy family. Of course it’s lovely, but just as I get used to it the numbers will change again and I’ll be confused. I do wish there were more constants in my life. My Mistress reminded me that when I was little she was the only constant I needed. As long as I had her somewhere within paw’s reach then I knew I’d be ok. She said if I could just remember that still applies then I’d find life easier. I know she’s right, but that one was simpler when I was an only dog and didn’t have to share her.

Have a great Wednesday


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