My Puppy
Oh you have to laugh at my puppy Wilma. I don’t think I’ve done a very good job of bringing her up. Yesterday we both had to go for our kennel cough vaccinations. We had separate appointments as I had to have a few other things checked and to be honest having Wilma there while the vet sticks her fingers up my bottom is both embarrassing and undignified. Anyway, the good news on that front is that my anal glands are now fine, thank you for asking.
I realised some while ago that the kennel cough vaccine being squirted up your nose is worse if you actually think about it. If you just let the vet get on with it and think about the biscuits which follow then all is well.
A fighter
Wilma takes an altogether different approach.Firstly she was cross with our Mistress as when she went trotting out of the back door she thought she was going for a walk. When she realised she had been duped she was not a happy puppy. She made the mistake of trying to fight against having the vaccination. Mine was over in seconds. Wilma on the other paw ended up being held in a body lock by our Mistress while one vet distracted her and the other did the vaccination. Sadly, as she was trying to hold on tightly to Wilma, our Mistress could not also take a photograph, which I have to say is a shame.
Now it’s Aristotle’s turn to have his. We’re all wondering how that is going to go. He’s fairly good at letting our Mistress do what he needs, but he may be less keen on the vet doing it. Shadow is having her rabies vaccination updated too, so she can get the paperwork she needs if Brexit goes ahead and goes badly. Only time will tell.
Have a great Thursday. I’m planning to spend mine making a list of what I’d like for Christmas
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