Christmas Markets
How many Christmas markets do humans need to go to? Thursday they went to Zurich and seemed to have gone to several Christmas markets. Yesterday they went to the Einsiedeln Christmas Market, which is the town near where I was born. To be honest, that is supposed to be the best one round here to go to, but I’d expect nothing less. Anyway, today they are going to another one! It’s really annoying as they don’t seem to think I should go to them. Why exactly can’t I have a glass of Glühwein? I could pay out of my own pocket money.
Raten Pass
I did get to go on a lovely walk to my very favourite place. The snow sport season was supposed to start yesterday but there isn’t any snow yet, so it’s delayed. On the bright side it does mean it’s still easy walking up there which I’m quite happy about. On a less bright note, when I went to the vet for my worming tablet she made me get on the scales. Apparently my winter hibernation body is fully ready! Mum says that means less treats for me, but I just looked at her and said ‘Cake’, which she conceded was a fair point.
Gingerbread Museum

On the note of cake, they even went to a gingerbread museum yesterday. I’m pleased to say the gingerbread they were selling wasn’t as old as some of the other exhibits, but Mum still didn’t buy any.
Mum’s worst moment yesterday was when she accidentally walked across someone’s new concrete path. It hadn’t dried yet. She now wants to go back in daylight to see how bad the footprints are that she has left behind. She knows where it was and says if the people are reading this, she really is very sorry!
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