Busy Day
Yesterday was a busy day. I was about to take Mum’s friend to lots of my favourite places. Not everything went according to plan and I have to say we all had some surprises along the way. My first excursion was the local walk from our house. I took everyone up past the farm at the top of the hill and over the hill to the view of the lake. Up to then everything was going to plan. Then there were two dogs who attacked me. I really do mean they attacked me. I’d done nothing wrong and was on lead. I was ready to say hello if they wanted to and to walk past if they didn’t. They were both off lead and started to try biting me from both sides. Thankfully, Mum managed to get me free and then checked me over to make sure I was ok. I was a bit shaken up, but otherwise fine. I’d really rather not see those two dogs again.
Raten Pass and St Jost
We then went and parked at the Raten Pass and walked up to St Jost. The view was pretty good today and things were ready for the snow. The ski lift is in place and all the signs for the toboggan run. It’s one big playground up there really and looks very exciting. The only thing missing at the moment is the snow, but even that is. Forecast for later in the week. We didn’t do my normal favourite walk, but I waved a paw in its direction and promised to be back on that path soon.
Power of the Internet
Anyway, an amazing thing happened. Sue had put a picture of where we walked in the morning on Twitter and a lady she knew sent her a message to say ‘I live near there’. It turns out she only lives in the town at the foot of the hill and so met us all for a coffee. I sat in the car because I was a bit muddy, but the humans had a lovely hour talking while I had a nap. Now it means Mum knows someone else locally too, which is always good news.
After that I took them up to Gottschalkenberg to see the view, but the same thing happened as last time and there clouds were covering up Lake Zurich so we couldn’t actually see it. One day we’re going to get the whole view. We will have to keep trying.
In the evening the humans went to see a parade in the local town. I didn’t go to that. I said if it was going to be busy I’d prefer to sit in the car and they said that was fine. But a really funny thing had happened earlier. I was just nipping out to the toilet after tea and when I opened the door, there on our doorstep was Samichlaus and Schmutzli. We had seen the parade go by our house in our village making a lot of noise, but I really wasn’t expecting them to come to see me in person. It was amazing and a bit of a shock if I’m being honest. They collect for charity so we gave them some money and in return they gave me two biscuits, two satsumas and some peanuts. Life can be so much fun.
I’ve got another busy day today so I really need to go and get ready.
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.