On my way – Sunday 2nd December 2018

On my way

Well I’m on my way and I’m very excited. Ok, no more to the point I will be on my way after breakfast. I’m still sitting here being all cosy and comfy at the moment. I’m all packed and ready to set off. This morning we are going to Beacon Hill in Leicestershire for a long walk before I go to my grandparents. Mum is hoping that with that and  a herbal remedy I’m trying I won’t be stressed by visiting them. At least the weather in Leicestershire is forecast to be better than it is here in Yorkshire! That is particularly good news as once we’re on top of the hill it can be windy at the best of times.

Work to do

Mum says we have a lot of work to do this week. She has a new writing project and she says we need to spend a lot of time talking it through and planning it. She is really excited and whilst I must say I’m not really sure I’ve understood my role, I can’t but get caught up in it all. I do like the planning stages of projects as they involve more walks than normal. Mum says she often thinks best outdoors and I’m definitely up for that sort of a plan.

Odd luggage

I have to say the packing would look odd to most people. Humans are weird. Why when you are staying in a hotel do you need your own pillow? Food I can understand, I take mine with me after all, but I’m sure that Mum doesn’t really need to take all six of her Christmas jumpers. There are some who would say that one was too many, especially seeing as she seems to have packed one for me as well. I don’t mind her packing it as long as she doesn’t expect me to actually wear it. What would the other dogs have to say about that? I’d be mortified by their reactions.



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