Friday Flashback – Friday 30th November 2018

Friday Flashback

It’s Friday Flashback once again and I’ve been looking back at the puppies. I really did enjoy this one about Shadow’s fourth litter in 2015. They were born only a couple of months after I was and it made me wonder whether me and my litter mates behaved like this too. I might have to ask Mama when I see her next week.

When I looked more closely, Alfie had dated it wrongly and this was actually October, but I liked it anyway.

Sleeping on the roof

D’Artagnan on the roof

The puppies would like it known they are not perfect and do know how to be naughty. Any suggestion that they are getting the hang of things and making life easy will be vehemently denied and rewarded with the maximum possible disruption.  They pooed everywhere! Except D’Artagnan who quietly said to me that he is happy to be thought of as perfect, but daren’t say that in front of the girls who already use him as a pillow at every opportunity. I was completely taken in by what he said until I found him trying to sleep on the cow shed and utterly collapsing it so no one else could use it. Mind you, in his defence he did say that was the only place he could guarantee not being bottom of a pile of sleeping dogs.

With regards to the poo, first they managed to have an incident in the play area, resulting in some rather unpleasant play and an extra load of washing of bedding and toys. Then overnight they had an incident in the whelping box and presented out Mistress with a ghastly scene and smell this morning.

Morning Feed

Talking of morning, they did not sleep through until 6! This morning they woke at 5 and shouted they wanted feeding. Our Mistress is not such a soft touch as she was with the puppies at the start and simply called back to them that they would be settling into a routine whether they liked it or not and that breakfast would be at 6.15 and not a minute before. She can be hard like that. The puppies tried arguing, but in the end what can they actually do about it? It’s not as though they can get it themselves and you can’t trust Aristotle with food. You would think that Shadow would show some concern, but she’s a harder nut to crack than our Mistress. She has to be dragged out of bed to feed them even when they depend on her entirely!

Then I looked even further back and found this from the very first time that Ari was facing life without his brothers and sisters around. It’s funny to think he was ever this uncertain about the world. This was back in 2011.

Only Puppy


It really has been quite a week. I’m now an only puppy and the big dogs aren’t completely happy that I live here. Mum thinks I need to be put in place and to be fair won’t actually let me work out what place that is. Megan likes me in very small doses and Alfie has been great most of the time. He’s drawn the line at me curling up with him and isn’t too fussed about sharing his snuggles with our Mistress, but he has let me use his bed, play with his toys and has invited me to play with him on a number of occasions. Play mainly revolves around me being offered the other end of a stick he is chewing and then running off with it when I try to grab it, but it’s fun none-the-less.

What to call Alfie

I’m struggling a bit over what to call him. I tried granddad at one point but that got a most indignant response. He said he’d like me to call him Dad, but that all feels a bit strange as Rino is my real Dad. I tentatively suggested step-dad and he shrugged. He said he didn’t want to be uncle and step-dad was a bit of a mouthful. He looked quite sad when he said that if I couldn’t bring myself to call him Dad then perhaps I should stick with Alfie. Megan has been happy to be Aunty Megan or just Megan and Mum prefers me to keep out of her way so I don’t really get to call her anything.

Well that really is all I’ve got time for and you’re going to be hearing a lot from me over the next couple of weeks as it’s travel time again! I’m so excited.

Have a great Friday



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