Selfie – Thursday 29th November 2018


I don’t think I’ve quite got the hang of this selfie thing. I find it disconcerting to have a camera right in front of my face and tend to turn away. Just because we were having a lovely cuddle, my Mistress got it into her head she wanted to capture the moment. Well consider it captured but essentially I think she captured her moment rather than mine. I just wanted my tummy rubbed.

VET visit

It turns out on the good side the lump we were concerned about is simply two which have joined together. The one in my neck isn’t somewhere we can get to it, so we will just carry on monitoring. Finally, my anal glands are improving but are still not clear of infection so I’m on another course of antibiotics. How long can this go on for? I really have had enough of the vet prodding me just there. I’m guessing to be fair, it’s not much fun for her either! I’ve got to go back again in a couple of weeks, so paws crossed that will be the last check of that particular problem.


As you can see the Christmas tree purchase has taken place. Our Mistress says the drive back wasn’t too bad. That was except for the point she drove through a puddle and it splashed up over the side of the car and over her! She looked a bit of a sight when she got home, but generally that would be hard to distinguish from a normal day. Now we have the fun of decorating the tree and I might make a start on that today. Actually, I don’t think I’ll have to do any of the work as I suspect both Shadow and Wilma will enjoy that one more than I would. I shall just sit at a distance making helpful suggestions.


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