Fall – Wednesday 21st November 2018


The Americans don’t call autumn ‘fall’ for nothing. There’s been a lot of falling going on here over the last couple of days. Last week our Mistress took a photograph of the trees outside our office window, with the sun shining on the leaves. Today, she could have taken a much more depressing picture. Bare branches against a grey sky! The change has happened in less than seven days. You may wonder why this concerns me so much as a dog. Obviously, I like kicking my paws through the leaves as much as the next dog. However, the biggest problem is that the grass has disappeared. Where there used to be grass is just a carpet of leaves.

Missing Poo

Now the leaves present two related problems. Firstly, I like to go to the toilet on the grass and I can’t actually find it. I know it was there. I know it’s general location, but I can’t actually find it. This is not such a big deal as the one our poor Mistress is facing. She clears up after us every day. She knows roughly how many piles of poo she needs to find. Thanks to the leaves, she can’t actually find them. We have effectively booby-trapped our back garden. Oh we can smell where it is, but however many times I’ve suggested to our Mistress  that she gets down on her hands and knees and sniffs it out, she really isn’t keen.


I did go swimming yesterday. I took it very steadily because of my back, but I went and it probably did me good. I found it hard to understand why I was being given longer rests than normal as I really am a creature of extreme habit. I quite enjoyed getting out and hope I can go next week too.


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