Wilma has issues
Well our dear Wilma has issues. Our Mistress was horrified when she parked at her parents house yesterday to find Wilma was shaking before she even found out whether she was getting out. Our Mistress has sat down and discussed the situation both with Wilma and the rest of the family. Despite explaining to Wilma that the noise which upset her all that time ago was just a hearing aid, she is having none of it. Our Mistress has concluded it really isn’t in Wilma’s best interests to let her end up feeling like that, particularly as it seems to be getting worse.
Anyway, given the choice of Wilma not travelling with her, not visiting her parents or staying in a hotel when she does – our Mistress is now looking into hotels. Leaving Wilma behind does not seem to be an option to our Mistress, and of course neither is not visiting her parents.
Grandpa’s Birthday
Other than Wilma going all wobbly, Grandpa seemed to have a lovely birthday. You would not believe that he’s 93 to look at him. Our Mistress had a Black Forest Sundae for desert, but she said that the ones in Switzerland are much better. Of course, it would have helped if it she’d had the right one. Hers and Granny’s were the wrong way round and it was only when our Mistress didn’t find any cherries and then Granny did find some in what she thought was a Chocolate Sundae that they actually found out.
Alfie’s Birthday Present
He hasn’t had chance to try them out yet, but Alfie’s birthday present has arrived. It’s a set of steps so he can get up to our Mistress’s bed without having to jump. I think he will tell you about them once he’s had chance to try them out and I’m hoping he might show you some pictures too. Shadow and Wilma helped to set them up. They made sure that our Mistress slotted them together correctly. They both tried them and said they thought they’d get used to them pretty quickly. Now we just need to see what Alfie thinks. Paws crossed.
Lots of love
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