Friday Flashback
It’s Wilma here again with Friday Flashback. Oh I know you love delving back into the archives with me, but Alfie won’t forgive me if I don’t start with his news. He was so excited yesterday as he heard from his other sister Ebbe. She sent him this lovely photo and news to say she is doing well. She looks so like Alfie in this picture, it’s really easy to tell they are brother and sister. It’s such a shame he’s too old to cope with travelling as he said he’d love to see her again. We do hope she goes on doing well and we all send her lots of licks and love.
It’s funny looking right back and finding Alfie did lots of normal puppy stuff. This was when he was just a year old in 2006
Office Chair
A funny thing happened last night. We were all in the office at home and my mistress was leaning over my master’s shoulder helping him with something on his computer. I spotted the opportunity to make them both jump. I quietly crawled under my master’s chair and pushed the lever that makes it go up and down so that all of a sudden the chair shot down really low with him sitting on it. It had the desired effect but what I had not foreseen was that it would result in my being stuck underneath because it had come down on top of me, so we all ended up in a bit of a startled mess. It was worth it though!
Then I found this from 2011 when Aristotle first started writing some of the diary
Party Time
It’s me again. Alfie said I could carry on writing on a Wednesday seeing I was still going
to be around. Anyway, we’re having a bit of a goodbye party this morning ready for the big separation that starts later. I wasn’t well yesterday so I missed the early part of the party. I think the wormer didn’t agree with me. The bad news is we all have more wormer to take today but this is our last puppy dose. I don’t really know what happens after that, but Alfie said it still isn’t good.
I thought I’d show you a photo of what we look like after a night of partying. This was taken while we were in the little pen that we go in while my Mistress cleans out the big pen. It’s party party party for us puppies!
Well that’s all I’ve got time to look at today.
Have a great Friday
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