Happy birthday, Alfie – Tuesday 13th November 2018

Happy birthday, Alfie

Happy birthday, Alfie
Alfie’s birthday photo

Happy Birthday, Alfie. Today is a very special day. Alfie has become a teenager. I don’t mean that eighteen month old phase with dogs, where we go through all the hormonal changes that humans save for later. I mean the full blown, thirteen years old even in human terms! That is quite an achievement and in dog terms means he is now the equivalent of 91. Surprisingly, that still doesn’t make him the oldest in the family. Grandpa has another birthday this week and he’ll be 93. I think Grandpa is rather fitter than Alfie too, which is quite impressive.

Day off

For his birthday, as you’ll have gathered, Alfie is taking the day off. He’s given me his diary to do and Aristotle is taking his swimming slot. He says he’s planning a quiet day sitting by the kitchen door waiting to see if anything happens. Of course, it won’t. It doesn’t on any of the other days he sits waiting by the door. It gets opened sometimes but then he has to reluctantly move out of the way. Actually, he doesn’t always do that and sometimes we just step over him.


He’s asked me to send birthday wishes to any of his sisters who might have made it this far. I think he’s going to drop an email to his breeder in Belgium, but he did say to send his love to them.

Mum took Alfie outside yesterday to have his official birthday photo taken. Let’s just say he was not that keen! It took an awful lot of photos to get one that was good enough! He hadn’t really been feeling too good, so didn’t want the bother. I guess we all have those days.

Anyway, to my best buddy and dog that I adore, happy birthday

With all my love from your tiresome puppy, Wilma

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.


  1. Happy Birthday, Alfie – have a lovely day doing just whatever you want!
    Hugs from Val and purrs from Niamh xx

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Alfie!!!!!! We all send loads of birthday wishes from Sussex and hope you have a relaxing day. Lots of love Dickens and all my family XXXXXXXXXX

  3. Happy Birthday Alfie. Haveq a lovely day being pampered and spoilt. Sammi says you deserve that every day from now on.
    Lots of love
    Gill & Sammi xxxxxxx

  4. Herzliche Glückwünsche für Alfie vom Berner Oberland senden mit allen guten Wünschen für Gesundheit und ein langes Leben mit vielen schönen Momenten
    Whoopy, Tosca, Beija-Flor and Fenja und natürlich auch von Fritz und Maja

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