Planning my next trip
I know I’ve only just come home, but I’m planning my next trip. I think you’re going to enjoy this one, although you may rather wish you were coming with me. We go in three weeks’ time and it’s a very special trip. I’m not sure if I’m allowed to tell you all the details, but it’s going to involve lots of research for a book. This time it’s not one of Mum’s books but one by a friend of hers. Hopefully I will be able to tell you much more soon. In the meantime I’m looking forward to doing lots of fun Christmas things when we get there. Mum has already told me I can’t go to everything, but I shall certainly put in a request to go to as many things as I can. I know I shall get some chance to see Mama while I’m there too, but maybe not my sister as she was going to see a stud dog and may not be up to wanting to play with me if she’s pregnant.
Differences to Switzerland
Now we’re home in England we notice all the differences to Switzerland. Mum and I were making a list as we walked round the airfield. Firstly, England is very muddy. Now I’m sure there are other countries that are muddy, but Mum says that Belgium and Switzerland aren’t two of them. Here we squelch our way through the winter and it’s just wonderful. Ok, so it’s only me who thinks that’s a good thing. Secondly, it gets dark much earlier. Here now it’s dark by 16.11. Where Dad is it isn’t dark until 16.53 and the difference will just get more over the next month or so. Mum hates the dark nights. I don’t mind so much but it does mean fitting our dog walks into a shorter part of the day.
Mum consoles herself by having the weather in Honningsvag on her phone. There’s a funny accent thing on the ‘a’ but I couldn’t find how to do it. Anyway, that’s the most northerly place she could find weather for and at the moment the sun gets up at 09.05 and sets at 12.51 – which makes Mum feel better about here!
Demanding Tea
Shadow had the last walk yesterday. She was really quite determined that it was tea-time as soon as she came back. First she stood and glowered at Mum when she wanted to take a happy Shadow picture. Then she came in and stood shoulder to shoulder with Alfie as he demanded his tea. Mum made them both wait!
Have a great Monday
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