St Jost – Saturday 3rd November 2018

St Jost

Yesterday we went to St Jost. It’s a lovely walk up from the car park we use at the Raten Pass. You walk up past some fields where I was able to have a really good run and then through the forest up to the top. On the way there are some wood carved animal sculptures to see and then some bells to have a play with. Mama, and Megan and Falk came with us so we had a photo stop in front of the bells. There is a panel of different woodland things to smell when you go into the forest too. I couldn’t reach to get my nose to them, but they were great for children. It’s ok because I ran amongst the trees smelling them anyway.

Children’s Playground

There is a children’s playground at the top, so I sat on one of the benches and enjoyed the view while the little person in the party had a play. Then there is another playground down by the restaurant by the car park so it’s quite a good way to keep little people happy. I would just love to try the little trampoline, or even the swings and slide, but I’m not allowed to. It’s really not fair as I’m about the same age as the little person. I’d enjoy it just as much.

Beautiful Countryside

We had to do boring stuff like go to the supermarket in the afternoon. It wasn’t so bad though as we went to the shopping centre at Seewen and it was a beautiful drive. I sat and looked out of the back window. Mum was obviously looking out of the front because she was driving. Mum went to the pet shop to buy Alfie’s favourite biscuits, but I mustn’t tell him as it’s a surprise. He loves the malt and vanilla flavoured ones. Even now he’ll almost dance for the offer of one of those.



© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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