Boring day – Tuesday 23rd October 2018

Boring day

Today will be a boring day. I only realise how much I’ve grown to enjoy going swimming on a Tuesday when I have a Tuesday without it. I’m on a prescription of total rest until my back is better, which means no swimming. At least it stops the others arguing about who gets to go. Shadow and Ari will be swimming, which has certainly made Shadow happy. The worst part is that I’ve really got rather used to having Shadow around with me during the day. For heaven’s sake don’t tell her that I like her company, but I think it has done us both good. Now I’m faced with a morning when not only can I not get out to go swimming, but I don’t have Shadow to spend the morning with either.

Ari’s Check-up

Ari had a check-up on his bottom yesterday. I know he’d rather I didn’t talk about it, but he’s going swimming so what do I care? Anyway, there has been an improvement so he is only going to need the cream applying for another couple of days. Then he’s got to leave it and see how it goes. He’s really very good about it all, but he’d much rather not have to be prodded quite so much.

It’s funny, he’s got a fatty lump on his chest in exactly the same place as his mum, Shadow has. Our Mistress hasn’t had it checked out as she is certain it’s only a fatty lump. She said ‘You know what it’s like with children. With the first you check everything. With the second you are a little more relaxed and by the third you just let them get on with it.’ Of course on that basis I really hope that Wilma never has anything wrong with her!

Anyway, I’m going back to bad for the morning and am going to do my best not to look too pleased when Shadow comes back from swimming as it will go to her head.

Have a good Tuesday


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