Snow – Monday 22nd October 2018


We might have snow. I’m so excited. I simply love snow. Our Mistress is not quite so keen on the idea but I think it is amazing. Of course if you are reading this in England you are going to be disappointed because I don’t mean here. I’m off to see Dad this week and the weather forecast says it’s going to snow next week. Mum says the winter tyres are on the car, but she wasn’t hoping to have to use them just yet. I think it’s great. We have lots of things planned while we are there. Alfie’s girlfriend’s humans are coming to visit for some of the time, so we will be going out quite a lot, which will be huge fun. I know there are plans to meet up with some of our dog friends and of course I shall see Mama and Valeria just as much as I can. I’m so excited.

Shadow and Alfie

It’s really funny. Shadow has suddenly decided she doesn’t want her own room anymore. She’s asked if she can share with Alfie. They now have Shadow’s room and the kitchen but seem to be spending all their time in the kitchen, which is Alfie’s choice. It’s proving very odd because it means Shadow is not looking out of the window all the time so she isn’t barking so much. Mum says she isn’t used to the quiet and keeps wondering if they are all right, but they seem happy enough and it seems to be helping Alfie.


Shadow and I had a lovely walk yesterday. It was a good job Mum was alert as I did my whole ‘chase the pheasant’ thing again. Last time I did that I managed to pull her over and drag her through the mud. She was ahead of me yesterday though and ready to pull me back. Shadow tried to join in the chase too but fortunately Mum wasn’t holding both of us. We could have really had some fun otherwise.

Have a super Monday



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