Friday Flashback
It’s Wilma here with another Friday Flashback. Before I get onto that though I’m so excited. There are only 7 more sleeps until I see Dad. Well, ok to be fair as a dog that’s probably about 70 more sleeps, but all over the space of seven days. I can’t wait to get to Switzerland and give him a big lick. I’m looking forward to seeing Mama and my sister Valeria almost as much. Mum hasn’t sorted out exactly when I will see them but I know it won’t be very long after I get there. I am so excited.
Hay Bales
I had such a good time on the hay bale the other day that I just had to take Shadow and show her what fun it was. I couldn’t believe it had worried me the other day. I’m really pleased that Mum showed me it was nothing to be concerned about. Mum did admit there are things that scare her too so I didn’t feel quite so bad about it.
Ok so now for the flashback. This made me smile from way back in 2007 when Alfie was worrying about moving to England. I’ll tell you why after you read it.
A Worried Dog
I have been spending a lot of time thinking about moving to England. I don’t want to be unreasonable but there are one or two things that worry me. Although I obviously prefer to sleep on my owner’s bed and much prefer human food, these options are not always available to me. Do you think that I will be able to take my beds with me, I don’t want to have to have a new one that doesn’t smell right.
I would also like my own room, not that I plan to use it very often but it needs to be there in case I want to and I do like to have somewhere to store my toys and biscuits. I admit I have to share with the washing machine at the moment but on the whole it stays on its own side of the room, so it isn’t too bad. I am also starting to worry about whether you can get the same dog food in England. I do like my coat staying so very shiny. My mistress reminded me we had once bought some there and that I need not worry, but I really can’t remember and I hope she isn’t just saying it to keep me quiet.
This is where it is funny. Last night Alfie slept in that very same bed that be brought back from Belgium eleven years ago and he’s still eating the same food now – we all are. It just goes to show that sometimes we worry about things we really don’t need to.
Have a great Friday
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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