Mum spent yesterday getting broody. Dad went to visit some puppies who are going to be coming to live in England. They are only three weeks old and Mum thought they were lovely. The little girl puppy did have someone who was going to have her, but now she hasn’t. Mum started saying perhaps she could come and live with us. I don’t think she really means it as I know she finds looking after all of us takes a lot of time already. Besides, she likes spending time with me so I don’t think she really wants a puppy. She says that if I’d have been able to have puppies we might have kept one of them at some point, but that’s easy to say knowing I’m not going to have any.
Charlie-Dexter is coming to live in England. He’s really gorgeous and Dad had a lovely time meeting him yesterday. Dad says he remind him of our Alfie when he was a puppy, really calm and gentle. Of course, it may just be that he’d had his lunch and was a bit sleepy. The puppy that is, not dad.
Aristotle was feeling quite a bit better yesterday. He still took the opportunity for a quiet snuggly sort of day, but then he always chooses those if he can get away with it. Mum has been busy writing so didn’t want to do much. It meant it was a very quiet day all in all. I sat and watched the rain and wished I was in Switzerland with Dad. It’s lovely and warm and sunny there and looks so much nicer than England. I’m counting the days down on my paws to when I go. It won’t be long now.
Have a great Monday
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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