Duvet Day – Saturday 13th October 2018

Duvet Day

Yesterday was a duvet day. The weather here was miserable and none of us felt like doing much. Alfie was feeling out of sorts, so it all started with our Mistress trying to comfort him. When she went up for a shower Alfie and Wilma went upstairs with her and they all went back to bed for a big cuddle. Alfie said he really enjoyed it and it did make him feel a bit better for a while. Wilma is always up for a cuddle, so she was more than happy. Anyway, when they all came back down, I said, “What about me?” Not wanting to leave me out our Mistress then spent some time cuddled up with me.

Working anywhere

me yesterday

Our Mistress says that one of the joys of her job as a writer is that she can carry on doing it wherever she is. Which even included cuddled up on the settee as it turned out. By the time we’d finished our nice relaxing cuddle she’d decided on the title for the short story collection she is bringing out and had, in her head, written the blurb for the back cover. I was just glad that I could help her so much without having to put in any real effort!

Real Autumn

The reason for wanting to stay in bed was the arrival of real autumn. I don’t know whether summer has any plan to come back again, but it really was nice while the good weather lasted. Yesterday was both miserable and windy and all the leaves started making a bid for freedom from the branches. At one point it almost looked as though it was snowing due to the little seeds coming off the trees, but it really hasn’t got that bad yet!

Anyway have a great Saturday. I’m hoping for more duvet time!



© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. Miserable here yesterday aswell. Pouring with rain now and forecast is rain for most of the day so Sammi could well be having a duvet day today. She says at her age she is entitled. Lovely pic of you Ari. Happy Saturday to you all. xxx

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