Friday Flashback – Friday 12th October 2018

Friday Flashback

It’s Friday flashback time again, but before I do that I need to tell you about Ari going to the vet. He’s fine, if you discount that he needs someone to help him put cream on his bottom twice a day for the next week or so. He’s asking for volunteers so if you’re free at breakfast time and tea time do pop round to help.

I went right back to when Alfie was a puppy for the first dip into the archives. Some things never change. This is from 2006

A trip to Ikea

I am still finding it difficult to understand how a trip to a big shop called Ikea to buy a desk could possible lead to my master and mistress bringing back a large plant for the lounge. If my mistress was any good at keeping plants it wouldn’t be so bad but to be a live plant in this house you have to thrive on neglect, so on the whole only cacti and succulents apply for the available positions.

What is even more confusing is that the Yucca was in fact my master’s choice and he has to be reminded to feed me so a plant doesn’t stand much chance at all, unless it drinks beer in which case it may be in with a chance. I am also presupposing that this is not an immediate answer to my demands for an inside toilet and that I am not supposed to be using it in that capacity.

Mum said I should reassure you that the Yucca is still alive all these years later!

When I looked back to 2009 and it was lovely to find out how much fun Alfie was having back then. He’s been having quite a bad week this week and it’s nice to know it hasn’t always been like this for him

Roof down driving

Well yesterday was just about as much fun as a dog can legally have. For a start I get to pretend that I’m the driver, as I’m sitting on the right of the car (it’s left hand drive). That means I get to freak out lots of other cars that think they’ve just seen a dog driving a car. Then there are the people who wave to you and quite apart from that there is the feeling of your ears flapping back in the wind.

I felt sorry for Shadow, well a little bit anyway. She only got to be the passenger in a normal car, although she did get to sit in the driving seat next to me while the others went round the brewery. It’s a shame that dogs can’t go on brewery tours as that would have made the day close to perfect. I’m now looking forward to my outing next month, which will end up with a pub lunch.

Well that’s all from me for today. Have a really great Friday



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