She missed me – Monday 8th October 2018

She missed me

Mum went away without me this weekend and she missed me. She couldn’t wait to see me. Ok, in fairness she missed all of us, but she did say there is a special Wilma shaped hole in her life when I’m not with her. It’s funny when she tells me the little things she misses. Apparently, it’s not me jumping up and throwing myself at her that she misses most. What she really misses is the way every morning when she sits on the edge of her bed to take her inhalers, there isn’t a dog poking its head under her arm to see if they can help. That would of course be me! She misses the dog that snuggles into her arms at night to go to sleep. Again, that would be me.

Getting excited

Anyway, the good news is that she’s got some trips away with me planned very soon. We’re going to see Dad in Switzerland. I love the point when Mum tells me that the Channel Tunnel bookings are made and she is ready to help me count the days down. We have two trips booked and there’s another one that she will do the bookings for soon. I am one lucky dog. I’ve got important work to do on the trips coming up. For the first one I have to look after Mum’s goddaughter who will be coming out for a visit and who will miss her own dog while she’s away with us. I have to be ready to be a substitute at a moment’s notice. I’m really rather looking forward to that.

Travelling with a puppy.

One of my other jobs is to help a puppy on his journey to England. I’m going to have to look after him in the car for the first leg of his journey from Switzerland. I’m really excited about that too. I’ve promised to tell him all about how good it will be and only share my good habits with him. I shall tell you about my other jobs nearer the time.

That’s all for now. Have a great Monday

Love Wilma

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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