Discount offer – Sunday 7th October 2018

Discount Offer

I’ve got a discount offer for you and it’s so exciting. I promised that once I’d finished the process of having my paw cast in bronze resin I’d tell you all about it and you get have a discount on getting yours done. Well here it is. It’s not just for bronze resin. The wonderful people at First Impressions offer a choice of aluminium resin, bronze resin or solid bronze. We chose bronze resin because we wanted to show you how the mid-priced option would come out. You can have just the pad of your paw done, or even your nose, but we chose to show you the large single paw. You can have a pair of paws too.

Bronze Resin Paw

Wilma told you all about the process of making the mould the other day. If you missed it, you can find it HERE. We then sent the moulds back to First Impressions and they said I’d done a good job, which was a huge relief. The finished result is quite amazing. It has little sticky pads on the base so you can stand it on a surface without damaging the wood or whatever, It’s really quite heavy. It looks fantastic. Our Mistress simply loves it. On mine, some of my own hair must have got stuck in the original moulds as now it’s cast there are some of my white hairs on the outside, which our Mistress thinks is lovely. I pointed out that they’d probably only stay there if she never dusts it!

The Offer

Now for all you lovely people, well dogs obviously! If you would like your nose or paw cast then you need to quote Alfie’s Diary when you place your order. That will entitle you to a 25% discount on the normal price. That’s pretty good by anyone’s standards. If you have something done, do send us photos so we can see the end result. You can find the First Impressions website HERE

Have a great Sunday


© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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