Cardboard Box – Wednesday 3rd October 2018

Cardboard Box

In our hall at the moment is a cardboard box. It’s a very big cardboard box. The sort of one that a dog would enjoy playing with. I was however quite surprised when our Mistress said she was having the sort of day where she felt like getting in, pulling down the flaps and pretending she wasn’t here. Of course, she can never pretend to us as we would find her by scent. I was going to say smell, but that makes it sound like she doesn’t wash. I don’t think it was actually us she felt like hiding from, so I don’t think it would have mattered that we still knew where she was!


Shadow and I had a lovely swim yesterday. Shadow really enjoys it. On a good day I don’t think it’s too bad either. I am going to have to put in a bid for my own dressing gown though. When we come out of the water we all have a habit of trying to dry ourselves on our Mistresses trousers and she’s got a bit fed up with it. Anyway, Shadow has her dressing gown and although I do have a fleece coat for the winter, that’s more to keep me warm than to dry me off. For the last couple of weeks I’ve put Wilma’s dressing gown on. She says she doesn’t mind, but we’re really not the same size and I think it looks silly on me. I need one in a more manly colour as well. It also needs to say ‘Alfie Dog’ on it rather than ‘Wilma Dog’

My Bronze Cast

We heard that the casts that we made of my paw were very good and that First Impressions are now working on my cast. It’s so exciting. I can’t wait to see it and to show you the end result.

Have a great Wednesday


© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. Great to hear your news Alfie. I think we can safely say that your mistress would definately NOT be wanting to hide from you , in the box or anywhere else ! Please give her a few ectra licks/hugs to get her through today if she is not feeling too good or feels like being alone.
    Laila and Bobby send licks/hugs to her also and to you some friendly sniffs and barks.

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