Dog friendly – Sunday 30th September 2018

Aristotle now

Dog Friendly

It is so hard to know where is dog friendly. Oh I know that Wilma is trying to develop her travel section to add more hotels. Even there though, the majority of ones we contacted didn’t reply to her. I know there are websites that try to tell you about pubs, but what about the ordinary everyday places you want to go to? Our Mistress likes going out for coffee. Actually if truth be told she likes going out for cake and has a coffee with it. She and our Master had started going out every Saturday to sit and enjoy a coffee and cake together. Then of course, our Master got a job in Switzerland so he isn’t here all the time. Yesterday our Mistress said she’d like to go for coffee and cake with one of us if we could find out a dog friendly café nearby.

No idea

Well we scrabbled for the internet to see who could come up with an answer. We all quite like going out to different places, except Alfie who really doesn’t like change. It’s almost always Wilma who actually goes with her. She’s less prone to thinking she needs to be on guard and barking at everyone who comes in. Shadow and I don’t see the problem, we’re only doing our job, but no matter. Wilma tried really hard to find somewhere and so did I. We found referenced on Trip Advisor to a couple of local places but both of the reviews were several years old and policies change. Anyway, we looked at their websites. It turns out that websites change to and neither of them had one, although we did find a Facebook page for one. Nowhere could we find the answer to our question.

An appeal to all local businesses

So here is an appeal to all local businesses. Well anywhere who wants to take part really. If you are dog friendly and dogs can visit with their humans, or without them for that matter, why don’t you let us know and we will start building some information somewhere on the site so people can find you. Whether you are a bank, a chiropodist, a café or a cinema then please let us know if you are dog friendly. It won’t be like the hotel ratings that Wilma does, just a listing and a shout out for you. We dogs need to know where we can go with our humans. It’s important. In particular our Mistress needs cake!

Have a great Sunday


© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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