Friday flashback
It’s Friday flashback again. Oh it was exciting looking back through the years to see what to tell you about. There are two years when Shadow had only just had puppies. First of all there was her first litter in 2011. Alfie was going all gooey over them. That of course was before he knew that Aristotle would be staying!
The Joy of Puppies
What am I going to talk about when the kids leave home? Oh I can see you sagely nodding and comparing this to when your children left, but at least you had them long enough for the novelty to wear off and for them to start annoying you. I could watch the puppies grow and develop all day, every day. Their coats are beautifully glossy and when they yawn and roll off from eating as they fall asleep, they are simply the cutest things ever. Shadow says she is feeling a little less enthusiastic as it is her that is getting sore from being sucked at and having little paws pummelling. The paws wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t have tiny claws attached to them. I must say when I looked a little closer I felt quite sympathetic.
Then there was from Shadow’s last litter in 2015
Weight gains and losses
Della has had a very good day. After her early setback she has managed to add an amazing 90g taking her up to 520g and putting her right back on track. Dixie added 70g and is now 580g. Duchess added 60g so is already up to 600g. D’Artagnan is not doing quite so well so will get some more extra help today. He added 50g and is now 560g. There has been one weight loss, but this one is good news. Our Mistress got on the scales this morning and she has lost 2 pounds so she’s happy about that too!

Shadow is still not really feeling herself, but her wound is healing well and is nice and clean and her milk infection is almost clear, so the antibiotics are doing their job. She is eating well and drinking plenty so within a day or two she should be back to normal we hope.
As you can see from the photo, D’Artagnan is turning into a bit of a mummy’s boy. I suppose that’s what comes of being surrounded by women!
Have a wonderful Friday. I’m hoping for another special walk today. I had a super one yesterday round some fields and it was all rather wonderful. We went to see Mum’s favourite tree too, so she was happy.
Love from
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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