Furbo Dog Camera – Thursday 27th September 2018

Alfie unpacking the Furbo
Alfie unpacking the Furbo

Furbo Dog Camera

Today I’m going to tell you all about the Furbo Dog Camera. From a dog’s point of view this is the sort of thing we love. It feeds us treats! What is there not to like? Alfie got to open the box and do the set up of the camera. He says that it was really easy to do from the app on Mum’s phone. It came well packed and seems to be strong and well made. I’ll come back to that in a minute as that was part of Shadow’s testing. Anyway, Alfie set it up and got Mum to fill it with treats. That’s when she learnt that there is a ‘maximum fill line’ and it doesn’t work if you put too many in, so Alfie ate the spare treats. You could use whatever small dog treats you want. Mum used our normal kibble as she knew we’d all be happy with that.

A Really Good Camera

Shadow asked if she could do the main testing and Mum agreed. What Mum didn’t realise

is that Shadow had a hidden agenda. Now, the Furbo comes with sticky pads so you can secure it to a surface. With hindsight, Mum thinks that is a very good idea and worth doing. Thinking Shadow was a trustworthy sort of a dog, Mum and Alfie set it up on a lowish table in Shadow’s room. Then when Mum was in the shower Alfie decided to check what Shadow was doing. He immediately shouted through to Mum, “That wasn’t where we left the camera.” Anyway, sure enough Shadow had taken advantage of it not being secured and had pulled it down and emptied out all

A great wide angle camera

the treats. What we can tell you as a result of that, apart from use the sticky pads, is that it is quite robust. The Furbo was unharmed by Shadow’s actions and had there still been any treats left in it, would have still given them out from where it was!

What does a Furbo do?

Good night vision

So, then Mum moved the Furbo so we could try it under supervision until we’d got the hang of it. There’s a camera and treat dispenser combined. It means if Mum is out she can look on her phone at what we are doing and she can even talk to us through the speaker on the Furbo. It has a really good picture and can even see in the dark. With some practice it wouldn’t be hard to get us to take commands through

the Furbo and ask us to sit nicely in front of it before giving out the treats. We found that all a bit strange at first but the voice combined with the source of the treats all started to make sense pretty quickly.

Bark alert

The settings screen

One of the other things it can do is alert your human when you bark. It means that when you want your human, all you have to do is call. You bark and they get an alert on their phone and then they can open the app to see what you are up to and ask you what the problem is. You can adjust how sensitive the bark sensor is so that it doesn’t go off all the time.

Treat counter

Mum loved the fact that there is a treat counter on the screen so you can see how many times you’ve thrown treats to your dog. We of course prefer it if she doesn’t count, but if it keeps her happy then it’s a good thing. It does take enough treats for her to keep throwing them to us for quite some time before we need to get her to refill it.

Taking Photos

If you are really egotistical and let’s face it, most of us are, you can use it to take selfies. If you bark to get your human’s attention you can then do one of those ‘look at me’ poses and they can just click the snap straight from the Furbo screen or even video you as you find the treats and it will safe the photos straight into the normal folder for pictures.

Overall we give it the following rating:

Quality – FIVE BONES

Fun for the Dog  – FIVE BONES

Usefulness for the Human – FIVE BONES

Ease of Use – FIVE BONES

Overall – FIVE BONES

Which is about as good as it gets! You can find out more HERE

Love from


© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.

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  1. Go Furbo! - Saturday 15th December 2018 - Alfie's Diary - dog enough not to be human, human enough to be a pet.Alfie's Diary – dog enough not to be human, human enough to be a pet.

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