Important Advice for the Travelling Dog – Wednesday 26th September 2018

Important Advice for the Travelling Dog

Today we have very important advice for the travelling dog. This whole Brexit thing is a mess. It could have a direct impact on the likes of you and me. The Pet Passport Scheme we currently have is all part of being in the EU. It may well be agreed that we can stay part of it, but as things stand this has not yet been negotiated.  You need to think carefully about the implications.

Plan ahead

If you plan to travel between 29th March and the end of June, it would be a good idea to take some action now rather than leave it to chance. I’ll try to explain as simply as I can. At present all you need to do to go to other EU countries is the following. Make sure you are microchipped, you’ve had a rabies vaccination and it’s all written up by a vet in your passport. Three weeks later you can travel. You don’t even show your passport when you leave the UK.

On the way back you need to get worming done by a vet and written in your passport. Then your chip and passport will be checked before you come back into the UK. It’s simple. If we can be a ‘Part 1’ listed country after 29th March there will be no need for that to change, but that has not currently been agreed.

What if we are not given preference?

At some point we are likely to be listed on Part 1 or Part 2, but there is no certainty that will happen in time. If we are simply a ‘Third Country’ without a listing then you will need to have a blood test at least one month after your initial rabies vaccination to make sure you have sufficient antibodies against the disease. You then need to wait three months to be able to travel.

If, like Wilma, you are planning to travel in the first week of April, then that means you need the blood test by the end of December at the latest. If you don’t have a valid rabies vaccination now, then you need that by the end of November. It would also mean you need a special health certificate from your vet immediately before you travel and not just the current Pet Passport. However…

Not that simple

When I originally had my blood test I didn’t have enough antibodies. I had to have a repeat vaccination and a repeat blood test. My advice if you plan to travel is to get your humans to book you in as soon as possible. It is always better to be safe than sorry. You don’t want to be turned back from travelling and as Shadow and I both know from bitter experience if you don’t meet the criteria you will be turned back.

What would a Part 2 listing mean?

Part 2 is probably unlikely, given we don’t currently have rabies here. It is most likely when we do get a listing that it will be Part 1. However Part 2 would mean you didn’t need the blood test but you still needed the certificate from your vet before you travelled… every time.

Is there anything else?

Funny you should ask that. Yes, in addition to the above you would have to arrive at an authorised point of entry into the country you are visiting. Not every entry point is currently listed and that includes the Channel Tunnel depots. Oh I know you can travel to them from the EU, but they are not authorised for ‘Third Countries’.

Eurotunnel promote themselves as being a very pet friendly way to travel. I’m sure they are trying to address it. However, as things stand in a no-deal without any agreement on this, they are not authorised. Their existing Pet Station is in the wrong place to cover ‘entry’ to France. You could use that to bypass the process and get out onto the open road. Our Mistress thinks it would be wise to hold off on your travel bookings until it is clear they have been authorised. None of this is a done deal.

Surely it will all be all right?

‘Hope for the best and plan for the worst.’ That’s what our Mistress says. Bear in mind that the people who need to sort this out have a very long list of things still to do. You cannot automatically assume it will all be done. Time is ticking away and you don’t want your family holiday spoiled because your humans have not thought about additional preparations.

If you need me to explain any more then just drop me a comment or an email and I’ll do my best.


© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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