Happy Birthday Ari
Well Happy Birthday Ari. He’s seven years old today. That means he’s now a ‘senior’ dog. Can you believe that? Mum still calls him ‘Peanut’ because he was so small when he was born. Anyway, happy birthday to Amigo, Addie, Dora, Soggeli, Arnie and Rafa too. We really hope you all have a lovely birthday and your own dear Mama, Shadow, says she’s thinking of you all. She was recounting some of the gory details of when were all born, but to be honest it was making me feel a little queasy. If you’re eating your breakfast then look away now, but this is the moment that Arnie, Shadow’s first born, came into the world.
Shadow is a proud mother
Shadow says she’s equally proud of all twenty-two of her children. She doesn’t see most of them very often. She says to be honest she thinks she sees too much of Aristotle. They live from up near the very northern most point in Scotland, to the south coast of Devon and from Norfolk to across near Wales.
Paws crossed
We’ve all got our paws crossed. So far Shadow and I seem to be ok. Ari is definitely improving and Mum thinks Alfie might be starting to improve too. He hasn’t been as poorly as Ari was. Anyway, she really needs us all to be well so that she can take me to fun day at the weekend. Our kennels are quite busy so it would be hard to keep us apart from the other dogs and Mum has said it would not be fair for us to go if we aren’t well. Obviously, I wasn’t planning to go to kennels. I was planning to stay in a hotel, but I definitely can’t go there if I’m not well. So I’ve really got my paws crossed.
Love from
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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HAPPY BIRHDAY Ari, from us all in Sussex. Have a lovely day. So pleased you are feeling better. I have been in the dog house again!! I came in from training and had my dinner. Later that evening Mum was getting dinner for her and Dad. As usual she is doing 10 things at once and left food unattended in the kitchen. I was starving after all my hard work in the lesson so took the opportunity of helping myself to some lovely chicken breast!!!!! If I had not knocked the bowl to the floor – which smashed loudly and alerted everyone, I would have had the lot!!!! I was sent to bed and Dad was sent to the Pub for a take away Pizza. They will not learn, I have done it before and I will keep my eyes open for other opportunities. Like you I like a bit of fun, a good job we do not live together we could cause mayhem!!!!!!!!Love from you mate Dickens XXXXXXXX
Oh Dickens, well done. Round here, Mum is way too careful for my liking. Oh I do try. Ari can look on the counters really easily, but it turns out I can jump up there! Still no food though!
Have a great day
Happy Birthday Ari. Have lovely day. xxxx
He says thank you. He’s currently having a bit of a lie in