Fun Day
It’s our Fun Day next Saturday and I get to go to play with all the other dogs. Mum isn’t doing all the organising, so I’m really hoping we can take part in all the games. It’s awful when she stands there talking all the time when I really want to be playing with my family and friends. I really wish the others could come too and to be honest they are a bit fed up that I get to go and they don’t, but Mum says that we’ve got to stay in a hotel and it just isn’t possible for us all to go. Besides that there will be three humans in the car so four dogs don’t fit as well. I offered to share the crate with the humans, but apparently they prefer seats.
Planning our next trip to Switzerland
Dad is home for a few days this week, which is exciting. However, it’s even more exciting that Mum and I are starting to plan our next trip to Switzerland. It feels like absolutely ages since we came back. I can’t wait to see my Mama and sister. I hate when we can’t catch up regularly. It’s just me travelling with Mum this time. When Shadow’s not there I do miss her, but I do love the time it’s just the two of us, Mum and me. I have to share her all the time at home and getting her all to myself is way better.
We all got very excited yesterday afternoon as Aristotle’s tummy finally seems to be improving. I think he was the most excited as he says his bottom really has become very sore. I may be wrong of course, I think Mum is perhaps most excited as she’s been having to do all the cleaning up after him and I think she’s had enough. She was worried about him as well, of course, but she says a longer sleep at night without needing to clear up would be appreciated.
Have a really great Monday
Love from
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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