Sorry for myself
I’m feeling very sorry for myself and have a very sore bottom. I’ve now had an upset tummy for four days. It is improving, but very slowly and not to the point where I can stop wondering when I shall next have to make a run for it. Our Mistress has been very attentive and I only have to call and she’s running to the back door to open it for me. To be fair, she is aware that if she doesn’t fun she will have a great deal of cleaning up to do and isn’t all that keen on the job.
I’m still on probiotics which are definitely helping. Today is going to be harder as our Mistress is out for much of the day, but I’ll tell you about that in a minute. She has promised to come back at intervals, but it will mean I can’t just call her.
Breeding Test
Today is actually a very important day for our breed. It is the breeding test day. Dogs who want to join the breeding programme have to take a number of tests to make sure they are suitable. We take it all very seriously. Not only do we have to have a number of health tests, but we are judged on whether we have a suitable character and whether we look like an Entlebucher in every respect. And I do mean every! You would be amazed at the level of detail. To be fair, the most important is that physically we would be fit for the original purpose we were bred for, herding cows. That’s more about being well muscled and being fearless, but still a good family dog.
I’ve never had to do the test, but if it weren’t for my legs I might have done quite well. Mum says there is something wrong with my mouth, which is why I leave a trail of water when I drink, but she says that wouldn’t go against me too much. I shall never find out! Of course, my Mum (Shadow) had to do all the tests, before she could have me and she did all right.
Have a lovely Saturday
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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