Cast of my paw
I don’t want you to think we’ve forgotten doing the cast of my paw in bronze resin. It’s all in progress. The things is, when we read the list of what was needed my Mistress decided she needed a cheap measuring jug that it wouldn’t matter if it got ruined. That has now been purchased for the grand sum of 79p. She has promised she won’t just throw it away, so don’t worry. She says she has uses for it in the garden that mean it won’t matter if it still has the special plaster on it from making the cast.
That was problem one solved. Problem two is that she needs an adult to help her. I don’t mean she isn’t an adult, she just needs another one to work with her on it. If we are going to work outside, that adult also needs to be here in daylight. We’re working on that one at the moment and James may be helping.
Problem three
However, that doesn’t fix problem three. We need to take photographs of proceedings so we can show you all what happens. Wilma has offered, but quite honestly, have you seen the photographs she takes? She’s quite likely to cut off some vital bits in the process. We may have a solution when my Master comes home next week, but I’m not sure he is going to be around in the hours of daylight. At least not while they are at home. They are going away that weekend without me and obviously it can’t happen when I’m not around. I think my Mistress may have to appeal for help instead, but it’s a bit of an odd request. ‘Do you have some free time and some old clothes you can wear at the same time?’
Ari’s tummy
Ari has been very poorly. He does seem to be improving a little bit, but he says his bottom is very sore. He spent all day yesterday resting, in between having to run outside at frequent intervals. On the bright side, he has not lost his appetite and is asking for extra rations!
Have a great Thursday
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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