Today I’m calling on you all to join the campaign for a Wooferendum. I thought my days of politics were behind me, but sometimes a dog just can’t stay quiet. Further down this post I’m going to carry the press release we have been sent by the organisers of the #wooferendum and I’m calling on all of you to get involved. If you don’t have a photo of yourself to share on social media then do feel free to share this one of me. Anyway, here’s some background to what is going on.
Stop Brexit
I am Swiss by heritage. I am Belgian by birth. Shadow’s mother was Austrian. Wilma was born in Switzerland. Our relatives live all over the world and we have close family in every European country. I’m telling you that to help you understand why some of this means so much to us, but not as the justification. If you humans can’t see that this is all a very bad mistake then there is nothing for it but for us dogs to take over and make you see sense. Collaborating in fields of science, medicine, defence, intelligence and protecting the environment, to name but a few, makes more sense than working alone. Free trade will benefit all of us, humans and dogs alike. Free movement is something we should all benefit from.
Didn’t we have a vote?
You humans really messed up the last vote. You were fed lies by politicians to make you vote their way. Then you overlooked their illegal spending on their campaigns. You DID NOT give the vote to any of us dogs, or to those humans aged sixteen to eighteen who will be affected far more than the older folks. Basically, you were missing most of the facts and fed a great deal of misinformation.
Anyway, I like having pretty stars on my Pets Passport.
Below you can find the full press release and information on how you can get involved.
This is important. Take action.
(That’s all my action done for the day and I’m off for a nap)
You can still buy the Pet Dogs Democratic Party Manifesto if you want to know all my policies.
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
Press Release
Dogs from all over the UK are barking out to demand a ‘Wooferendum’.
The grassroots movement has seen dogs of all types and ages join forces in a collective howl sweeping the country. Photos of dogs posing with ‘Stop Brexit #Wooferendum’ signs have been appearing in cities around the UK and on social media concerned pets are posting pictures of themselves.
Sign the PETition
The campaign will lead up to one of the biggest four-legged gatherings ever seen in the UK. On Sunday 7th October 2018, thousands of dogs and their two-legged companions will march through central London to Parliament to call for a People’s Vote on Brexit. A crowdfunder has been created to raise money for the march and to promote the initiative. At the march, a Wooferendum PETition signed by dogs, leading public figures and celebrities will be delivered to Downing Street by a delegation of canine campaigners.
“Dogs were never consulted about Brexit,” says seven-year-old terrier Archie, one of the ‘spokes-dogs’ for the campaign. “Millions of us are sad and worried. Brexit is turning into a dog’s dinner and people deserve a say. We are worried for our future, and that of our two-legged friends. That’s why we are barking out. If your best friend was in trouble, what would you do?”
March on London
“The enthusiasm for Wooferendum has been incredible,” says its founder, Daniel Elkan, who has been canvassing the opinions of canines and their owners for months. “People and dogs jump at the chance to express their feelings about Brexit, which is a tough topic, in a more friendly, engaging way. The movement is growing and the Wooferendum March on Sunday 7th October will be a fantastic day out. We want to create the biggest bark in history – by the dogs, for the people. The campaign might seem barking mad – but it’s not as mad as Brexit.”
Sign the PETition HERE