Bronze cast – Tuesday 4th September 2018

Bronze Cast

As Wilma told you yesterday we’re going to be doing some work with a company called First Impressions. They do castings of paws and noses as well as hands, feet and even whole bodies for humans. Anyway, although you can go to their studio to do the cast preparation I’m not really up to a trip to London so I’m going to be doing all that at home. I’m having a bronze resin cast made of one of my paws and we’re going to try to show you the whole process. I didn’t get a photograph of our Mistress collecting my parcel from the post office, but this is me getting excited about the box when it arrived.

Once we’ve all finished and I can show you the final product we’re going to be able to offer you a special deal so that you can have one done too if you’d like. There are all sort of options and it really is very exciting.

New Crate

Wilma was hoping to bring you photos of her new crate in our Mistress’s car, but it started to rain just after they finished putting it in the car. Our Mistress says they have to wait to do the photos until tomorrow. You would have laughed if you’d watched them putting the crate in for the first time. There is a mat that goes underneath and they had it the wrong way around, so the boot wouldn’t close and they had to start all over again. Our Mistress felt a bit stupid when she found a leaflet with a clear picture that could have saved her a lot of trouble.

Off to the vet

I’m not going swimming again today as I’m going back to the vet about my infection. I’ve got a lump on my face that needs to be looked at too. I’ve been pretty miserable the last couple of days, so our Mistress is really hoping we can sort me out. I do envy the others being so much more healthy than I seem to be. Mind you, I am the one who is nearly thirteen!



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