Crate day – Monday 3rd September 2018

Crate Day

Today is really quite exciting. Today our new crate is being delivered. I know that doesn’t sound much to the rest of you, but Shadow and I can’t wait to try it out and see what we think. We both spend quite a lot of time travelling, so it’s really important that we’re comfortable in it. Mum says it’s a little wider than the one we had and the same length but not quite so high. She did measure to make sure we could stand up and turn round ok before she bought the car, so she thinks we’ll be happy.

Anyway, once we’ve got it we have a very important modelling job to do. The company who make it want our picture to go on their website. When they saw what breed we were, they had a look and asked if we’d mind sending them a picture. Well, you know what we’re like when a camera comes out, so we said yes. I will of course show you the photo too.

An exciting project

That’s not the only exciting thing for this week. Alfie is going to tell you more about it himself, but I just couldn’t wait. We are going to show you the process of him having a bronze cast of his paw made. Even more exciting than that, we’re going to be able to bring you a special offer if you would like to have one done too. I can’t tell you more than that yet as he’ll be cross with me, but it’s going to be great fun.


As if that isn’t enough, I’m hoping to be able to help Mum putting pawprints on her new car this week too. She says it won’t feel like ours until she’s put some pawprints across the back and bonnet as she had on her old one. We’re just waiting for the big ones to arrive and then I can tell her where I want them put. How cool is that? I will of course get Alfie to take some photos when they’re on so you can see. It’s nice having lots of things to cheer us up with Dad having gone away for a couple of weeks.

Have a really great Monday



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