Bonkers – Thursday 30th August 2018

Alfie being determined


It is safe to say the people in this house are bonkers. Today the adults have gone to choose fancy dress to wear for a wedding. I tell you, they just aren’t normal. I think the four of us should be putting ourselves up for adoption to escape the insanity. Of course, we wouldn’t actually go anywhere without taking our humans with us, so someone would need to adopt them too. There must be someone out there who’d behave like a real adult in the care of four dogs and two humans.

Ball holders

Wilma is very excited about the new car. It turns out they have built in special ball holders right next to where the crate will go in the boot. Wilma says it means she and Shadow can be keeping an eye on the ball even when they aren’t in a position to play. To be honest I think she’s decided she likes the whole car just because of the ball holders. I suppose that’s not so odd when our Mistress has decided she likes it just because her audio book starts automatically when she gets in. None of us has actually been on a journey in the car yet, so I don’t think we can really judge. Obviously the humans have been in it, but we’re still waiting.


I should probably go back to my first point, when I have to tell you that our Mistress has ordered more pawprints to go on the outside of the car. She said that was a priority and it wouldn’t feel like hers until she’d put pawprints on it. I volunteered to walk through a can of paint and do it for her, but apparently that’s not acceptable. You know, being a dog can be very confusing when you have to face the oddities of humans.

Have a great day


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