Taking my place – Tuesday 28th August 2018

Taking my place

Ari is taking my place swimming today. I’ve been on antibiotics for a few days now, but my cheek is still swollen and my eye is sore, so our Mistress thought I should stay at home. It’s a shame really as it was probably going to be the last time I went in her current car. Oh I know there is going to be a new one, but I’ve grown quite accustomed to that one after seven years together. Ari can’t remember a time when our Mistress had a different car, but he’s not so emotional about things like that and is excited about the new one. He’s going to help our Mistress getting her car ready to take to the garage tomorrow when he comes back from swimming.

New crate

The old crate isn’t going to fit in the new car so our Mistress is going to have to order a new one. While she’s waiting for it to arrive we will have to either be really good or sit on the seats with seatbelts. The size of the crates we could get has largely influenced which car she is getting instead of this one and basically it will be the same, just not quite as old. Unfortunately, even though it’s the same the boot is smaller. Apparently it’s all to do with leaving room for the electric engine that she won’t have. No, I don’t understand either!

Amazing what you find

Anyway, the funny thing when you’ve had a car for seven years is that when you come to clear it out, it’s amazing what you find. The out of date road maps would be no more use than the out of date sat nav software. The broken window cleaning stick is not much use to anyone, but looking on the bright side Ari says he’s looking forward to helping to clear out all the dog treats that have fallen out of our Mistress’s pockets over the years. Now most humans would turn their noses up at food that may have been sitting under a car seat for the best part of seven years, but I can assure you that it won’t stop Aristotle. He’ll be worrying about the consequences at a later date.

Have a great Tuesday


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