I’ve been framed
I’m sorry, but I’ve been framed. Yesterday Aristotle told you that I had stolen all the apples. That’s just not true. I had to help Mum take some of the tree as the branches were too heavy. Ok, so I might have then carried on removing them over the last few days as well, but I didn’t take all of them. I think it’s important when I’m being accused of theft that the extent of my crime is not overstated.
Claiming my human
I don’t spend much time apart from Mum. We really missed her last week and I’ve been very keen to show her just how much I love her since she’s been back. She has said I seem to be stopping her from moving at times, but that’s because I want her to stay still so I can cuddle her. It’s funny, Ari has been the same. It’s like we’ve both suddenly realised how much we love her. Although, it’s kind of nice but does make it hard for her to get anything done.
A different walk
I went to do a meet and greet for some people who think they’d like to add one of us to their family yesterday. I had a lovely walk. We walked along the river Swale near Richmond in North Yorkshire. I forgot to take any photos to show you, but there was a very fast flowing river and lots of mud. There was a ruined building and lots of sheep too. I did say hello to one of the sheep but Mum wouldn’t let me go and play. I liked the people too, which was good.
Choosing a car
On the way back from our walk I had a long talk with Mum about her car choice. She needs to buy a new one and is trying to decide what to get. I said I like to be able to look out of the back window while we’re travelling, so that’s quite important. She has already got down our requirements of how much space we’d like and that we want tinted glass so it doesn’t get too warm.
Shadow asked if it could be a bit lower so she didn’t have to jump, but Mum said she can use the ramp if it’s too high, which seems fair. I want to go to the garage to help choose but Mum says they won’t let me try getting in and out of them all in case I scratch them. Now I just hope she chooses the one that I would if I were there.
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
All site content is subject to copyright and may not be reproduced without written permission.
Oh Alfie, I love your blog <3
Thank you