Food Glorious Food – Wednesday 15th August 2018

Food Glorious Food

‘Food glorious food cold carrot and yoghurt…’  Mum tells me off if I sing too much and to be fair, Shadow is the real singer in the family. Anyway, given that Alfie is taking a break I thought I’d talk about one of my favourite subjects – food. Now, I know we are often accused of eating anything and to be honest, it’s fair comment, I do. However, it doesn’t mean it’s all good for us. Just like humans there are things that are better for us than others. I know most humans don’t pay a lot of attention to what is actually good for them and Mum is a case in point! But she does try to consider what we eat in an attempt to keep us healthy.

Just because it’s ok for you…

One thing it’s important for any dog to get across to its human is that just because a food is ok for the human to eat does not mean it is ok for us. Oh I know Mum thinks of us as her children and the same goes for many of you, but we do actually digest some things differently. If you are ever considering giving us human food it’s really important to check that it won’t be toxic for us. I sometimes think maybe more dog than human as many of the things that are bad for us are toxic to her too, but that’s another story. One of the common mistakes humans make is giving us things with onion in. Half the time they don’t even realise. It’s easy here as Mum is allergic to onion, but did you know that virtually all gravy, human sausages, and anything with stock in it (like soup) contains onion and can make us ill?

On a more positive note

On a more positive note, like humans there are foods that will do us good. Some of them are the same things that are good for you, which is nice, until we steal your food! The lovely people at have put together the infographic below to tell you about some of the things that are food for us. I’ll leave you with it while I work out how to add things to Mum’s shopping delivery order.

Just one point before I do. Please only give us yoghurt that does NOT contain the additive xylitol. That is a sweetener which can be fatal to us. If in doubt we’ll skip the yoghurt!

Have a great day



© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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19 Superfood Snacks for Dogs