Matted Fur – Wednesday 8th August 2018

Matted Fur

Well that’s a first in this house. Shadow had matted fur. Normally as a breed we need virtually no grooming from our humans. Oh don’t misunderstand we do love the feeling of the grooming glove going over our fur, but we don’t actually need it. We moult twice a year, usually in a fairly controlled manner and we keep ourselves impeccably clean. Anyway, Shadow had somehow managed to get clumps of matted hair on her rear end. There was lots of dead undercoat that had got stuck with the new top coat. I said she’d probably sat in something, but she claims that was not the case. Our Mistress says Shadow was losing an awful lot of coat when she was ill, so it probably goes back to that.

Old brush

The situation led to our Mistress having to ransack the cupboard to find a real brush. It only took her a few minutes of brushing before Shadow’s pretty little derrière was back to its normal matt free self. Shadow was very happy to be back to normal and said it really did feel much better. I asked if I could try the brush to see what it felt like, but we didn’t get very much hair from me.

A lovely swim

Both Shadow and I did have a lovely swim yesterday. She was rather more enthusiastic about it all than I was, but once I was in I was ok. Shadow said her back leg felt better just from that one swim and happily jumped into the car without any help. She’s insisted on being given a leg up for the last few days. Our Mistress is hoping that if she goes regularly she will build up some more muscle at the back again. The only bad bit was being weighed. Neither of us is really overweight, but I am back to where our Mistress wants me to be, which means a reduction in my extra treat rations. Shadow has lost a little, so is almost back to her ideal weight but still needs to be careful. It’s hard when we like eating so much.

Have a good day


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