That was close – Saturday 28th July 2018

The birthday girl at the front

That was close

Well that was close. We nearly didn’t start our journey yesterday. When Mum found out that there were 5 hour delays at the Channel Tunnel and the temperatures were forecast to be the hottest ever in the UK, she didn’t see any way she could risk travelling with us, at least not until things improved. We all sat down and talked about it and she decided the safest thing for us was to wait to travel until the delays had improved and the temperature was more sensible. That was going to mean waiting at least a couple of days, so we were thinking that yesterday rather than setting off we’d be going back home.

Then she had an idea

Anyway, Mum wondered what would happen if she bought one of the more expensive tickets that allows you to travel anytime and avoid the queues. We all agreed to put our pocket money together and that is what she did. She bought one of the flexible tickets and then rang them to explain and make sure it was going to be ok. They said it would be fine. It nearly wasn’t. When we checked in the automatic barrier picked up the old booking and told us to join the queue. She pressed the bell for help and the man said she needed to go into the main area to talk to someone. She lost her cool at that point, explaining quite crossly that the whole point was that with two dogs she could not possibly leave us in the car.

Not nice people

Then people in two cars waiting behind her who did not like waiting a few minutes came and swore at her and told her to move. She simply said no she wouldn’t and carried on sorting out her booking. She can be very brave standing up to people when it’s for us. Eventually she had an idea and put in your new booking reference to get the barrier to give her the other ticket and we went on our way leaving the angry cars behind us. I said she should have waved to them, but she didn’t think that was necessary.

Hot here

Which all meant that we did get to our hotel for Friday night. Thankfully it has air-conditioning as the temperature outside was still 36 degrees when we arrived at 18.30. As we didn’t have much planned, we all agreed on a really early night so we can start off early this morning while it’s a bit cooler. Switzerland, here we come!



Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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