I’m weird
It turns out I’m weird. Even Mum couldn’t understand my behavior yesterday. We went to see Granny and Grandpa on our way to Switzerland. When I first met them Grandpa’s hearing air made a very high noise and I didn’t like it. It has left me wary of both of them. I do know they’re lovely really and it was hard watching Shadow getting all the attention while I sat behind a chair. Anyway, when I had my tea, I’d take a mouthful and then run into the room they were in to make sure they were still there. Then I’d go back and take a little more and repeat. Even I can’t explain exactly why I felt the need to check they hadn’t moved while I was eating, but there it is.
Needing rain
Where Granny and Grandad live everywhere is very brown. They haven’t had any rain for ages. I’ve never seen their garden looking that way, it was very odd. We didn’t stay outside for many minutes as it was far too hot. We did stay long enough for Mum to take our photo. The forecast does say they may get some rain in the next few days and they’re really hoping that they do.
On our way
Now we’re getting back in the car and driving to the Channel Tunnel. The traffic was really bad yesterday and Mum says it could be even worse today. It is a good job the car has got air-conditioning. We will stop regularly, but it’s very hot under paw. Mum tries to park so the back of the car is straight onto grass, but that’s not always possible. The worst bit will be if we have a long wait for our shuttle. It never helps when everyone wants to travel at the same time.
Have a lovely Friday
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