Clean bill of health
Shadow was given a clean bill of health yesterday. She is off all medication and says she feels just fine. She celebrated by throwing herself into swimming with her usual vigour.
She is so funny. She’s nothing like her son when he swims. Ari uses as little effort as he possibly can to get from one end of the pool to the other. He is a very strong swimmer, but uses the minimum of work to do it. Shadow on the other paw has her legs going very fast under the water and looks extremely serious about it. If there were a dog swimming Olympics they’d both do well, but in different races. Ari would be good in the endurance and could probably keep going all day. Shadow would be a sprinter and good over short distances.
All packed
Shadow and Wilma are all packed for their travels. They are going to see our grandparents first and then head off back to Switzerland. It’s due to be another hot journey but they will do their best to stay cool. Our Mistress’s biggest concern is how busy the Channel Tunnel might be to cross over to France but I guess she’ll find that out when she gets there. It means Wilma will be writing the diary again from tomorrow and I’ll be putting my paws up. I’m sure she will bring you lots of photos of their trips. I know she’s got some fun things planned including going to see our friends’ puppies.
Quiet birthday
With getting ready to go away today, Wilma had a quiet birthday yesterday. She didn’t even get any ice cream, which she was very cross about. I guess she’ll make up for it while she’s away.
Have a good day
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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