Cuddles – Saturday 21st July 2018


Show me a dog who does not like cuddles and that dog is not an Entlebucher! Oh, did I enjoy some cuddles yesterday. It was 3 weeks since I’d seen our Mistress and that’s an awful lot of cuddle time to make up for. I did of course barrel into her when she came to pick me and Alfie up. I thought I’d get the effusive welcome in before I had to move on to the apologies for destroying the tee shirts she’d given Alfie. Thankfully, she’d guessed that might happen so they weren’t her best tee shirts. If they had been, they certainly aren’t now! One could be considered vaguely wearable, but the other would be indecent in human terms. It’s more hole than tee shirt. It will be a long time before she’s away from us for as long as that again, so hopefully she can find some different old tee shirts for Alfie by then.


I was almost as happy to see my Mum as I was our Mistress, which is unusual! It makes you realise how much you take someone for granted when you think you might not see them again. She of course in her own inimitable fashion told me to stop being so soppy and she’s fine. She is looking very well now, I do have to admit that. Her coat has stopped falling out and her nose is black and wet. Looks don’t tell you everything though. She went to the vet yesterday and on top of everything else her anal glands were blocked, so she had that little problem dealt with. She still has some pain around her pancreas so is on another three days of probiotics and five more days of antibiotics. She’s got to go again next Wednesday to be checked up on. She’s going to have some blood tests once things settle down.

Well I’m off in search of some more cuddles. You can never have too many.

Have a great Saturday



Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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