Becoming a habit
‘This barking is becoming a habit.’ They were Mum’s words rather than mine. I just think it can be fun to have a good ‘roo’ every so often. Sadly, Shadow and I did it at the wrong time yesterday. Mum had to have a very serious word with us both – again her words rather than mine! As you can imagine I took it a little less seriously. Apparently, it was very unlikely that the lady trying to walk out through the hotel reception as we arrived, wanted to be shouted at by both me and Shadow in quite that manner. Mum was very upset and worried I’d be thrown out of a second place in the same week. I blame Shadow, although she wasn’t with me the other day. She tried to blame me, but Mum pointed out that she’s like that when she’s on her own too.
The animals went in one by one
After that, Mum insisted on only walking one of us in or out at a time. Given I can’t be trusted in the hotel room on my own, I had to go and sit in the car while she got Shadow. Honestly, what does she think I’m going to do in the room? It’s not even as though I fancied what was on the room service menu. Shadow is doing well on the journey. She’s drinking plenty and Mum says her nose is looking blacker and wetter than it has for a while, so we’re crossing our paws. On the downside her tummy is also gurgling more, which Mum is a bit concerned about.
A Picture from Mama
After we forgot to take a photo of the lovely place that Mama and Valeria took us to, Mama has sent me a photo so you can see too. It’s called Roblosen. It’s so much prettier than where we are staying today. Mind you I guess as we’re in a motel just off the motorway it’s probably not the best area to judge by. I’m just looking forward to being back in Switzerland as soon as possible.
Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE
© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind
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