Growing up
Growing up involves a few rights of passage. I’m going to be three in just over a week and that’s 21 in human terms. Mum has made clear I have to be responsible once I’m an adult, so I thought I’d better get being irresponsible out of the way first. I’m proud to say that I was thrown out of a restaurant yesterday. Mum wasn’t pleased, particularly as it is one of her favourite places, but at least I’ve now ticked that one off my list. In my defence, I did not start the argument and the waiter was very nice about asking me to leave. He said he realised I hadn’t started it, but I was actually the one thrown out so it counts.
I was really freaked out by the dog who started the argument. Knowing what a long memory I have, Mum is just hoping that I don’t now get upset when I go there again even if he isn’t there. Of course, it would do her waistline good if we didn’t go so often as it’s one of the places she likes the ice creams. I think she was a bit upset even though she understood I’d just been freaked out.
I did have a lovely time seeing Berry. We went for a walk and then had a mad play together. We got a bit too mad so I was banished. There seems to be a theme here. A girl could take it personally. Anyway, as I mentioned we went out for ice cream, where another dog was really rude to me. Then Berry had to go, which was a shame. She had even wanted to travel in the car with me instead of with her own human, which I really liked.
So far so good with Shadow. She is still eating and drinking well and has not had any more bleeding. She is much more cheerful than she was, but we’ll see how she is later today once her injections have completely worn off. When asked she said she felt much more ready to travel than she did but is grateful for the time to recuperate before we set off. I’m hoping she might feel well enough for a walk this evening as I really do like it when I have company on my little jaunts.
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