Happy Day – Sunday 1st July 2018

Happy Day

I nearly wrote happy Dad instead of Happy Day. Of course he will be happy, but it’s a very happy day as we’re on our way to see him. Shadow is much better than she was and says she feels well enough to travel. Mum didn’t need telling twice and had the car packed before Shadow had chance to change her mind. We’ve got anti-sickness medication in case Shadow says she’s feeling queasy and other medication to help with the bleeding. We’ve got probiotics to settle her tummy and special food. Mum has also packed kitchen roll, cleaning cloths, disinfectant and plastic bags – just in case!


Mum made Alfie have his photo taken before she has to be apart from him for a while. As you can tell from the outcome, he did not want to cooperate. Despite sticking his tongue out, he really doesn’t look bad for his age. Mum says he was a very handsome dog when he was younger. Of course he’s still pretty handsome now too.


I think I’ve packed everything I want. Now I’ve got the hang of playing ball I asked if I could take my ball thrower and some balls. Mum says in this weather it’s too hot for us to be playing ball, but she’s packed it anyway. I’ve got a Frisby too. I’ve never tried that, but I thought it might be fun. Mum has made sure she’s put enough food in and our Bonios. They are one of the only treats that Shadow is ok with. We’ve got lots and lots of water and our bowls. I wanted to bring my cuddly Horsey but then Mum asked what would happen if I left it somewhere on route. It was a good point. I’d be very upset if I lost Horsey.

I’ll bring you all the news from the trip. Have a great day.



Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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