Unexpected – Saturday 30th June 2018


Well that was unexpected. I was expecting to tell you today that I was at my grandparents and that we’d set off on holiday. Unfortunately, we aren’t and we haven’t. Shadow is ill. Poor thing she has pancreatitis and is really not feeling very well at all. She is confined to the kitchen until she stops leaving a nasty mess everywhere. Mum is doing her best to look after her with a lot of help from our lovely vet. Mum says that in this heat we can’t take Shadow anywhere until she’s happy that her fluid levels will be all right. There’s that and the fact that hotels would not take kindly to some of the necessary clearing up!

All packed up and no place to go

Mum had already got most of the stuff packed when Shadow said she didn’t feel well. There didn’t seem much point in unpacking so we’re sort of camping at home until we can set off. I’m trying to camp in a different room to Shadow as although obviously I do care about her a great deal, right now she smells pretty bad. Mum told me to be more tolerant, but that’s easy for her to say she’s sitting some distance from Shadow too.

We’re going to miss out on seeing Granny and Grandpa now on this trip and I’m really sad about that. Mum was so looking forward to seeing them. I hope she can go to see them soon. They have video calls, but it really isn’t the same.

Who’s been sleeping in my bed

It was really funny the other day. Mum was feeling quite tired and when Dad rang her the nearest comfy thing to hand was one of our beds, so she simply lay down in that. Aristotle wasn’t impressed and said that unless she moved over so he could get in too then he was just going to have to jump on her. She happily made room for him and I think they were both quite comfortable.



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© 2018 Rosemary J. Kind

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  1. Hi Wilma, sorry to hear my Mum is not well. Please send my love and look after her for me. It is disappointing for your holiday plans but hopefully she will soon bounce back and you will be off. I have heard that I may be going to the beach this week – just a day trip, so paws crossed. I love it there. Love Dickens XXXXXX

    • Thank you. Your mum is getting the very best of care. She’s a lot brighter and back to wagging her tail. If things go well at the vet later this morning then we might make a start this afternoon.

      Have fun at the beach. I don’t get to go to the beach very often. But then after all the seawater I swallowed I’m not so keen.
      Have fun
      Love Wilma

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