Wilma – Thursday 21st June 2018


What are we going to do about Wilma? I know it sounds like the start of a Sound of Music song and that’s probably appropriate. She’s just too bright for all of us. She only stays in a crate or room if it suits her. Wilma closes the air vents on the car. She opens the windows on the car. She moves the car mirrors and unclips her seat belt. Our Mistress knows that with some of those she realises exactly what she’s doing, but she’s not sure about the others. Wilma is refusing to tell any of us just how much she understands! She just smiles sweetly.


I don’t mind admitting to being just a little bit jealous of Wilma. Years ago, our Mistress and I would travel everywhere together in my little car. Things changed. I got too big for the seat and less flexible for curling up and I don’t really like going out and about. Now however Wilma is having a great time and simply loves going out in the car with our Mistress. If you saw the two of them together they are more like a girls’ day out. I don’t know what anyone driving toward them must think as Wilma sits up like a human in the passenger seat, which is the side most people here expect to see the driver. Especially as our Mistress sings as she goes and the way they look at each other at intervals really does make it look as though Wilma is joining in.


I think our Mistress is trying to build up a relationship with all the wildlife. Yesterday morning she was seeing how close she could stand and the Robin still come for some food. She says she’s going to work on getting closer if they will build up their trust in her. We know she’s a big softy, but they don’t know that yet.

Have a great Thursday


Alfie’s Diary – the Book as well as our other books are available HERE

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